Tuesday 6 November 2012

Tutorial: How to make a Monty Python Silly Walks clock

I've received an overwhelming response to the Silly Walks clock I made. I was inspired by this wristwatch. It's great that so many people like my clock, and also to see how many Monty Python fans there are out there! This is an in-depth tutorial on how to make the clock. If you have any questions, there is a FAQ page, and I'm happy to answer any additional questions you might have.

You can also see other people's silly clocks for inspiration!

Here we go!

Finished clock

Table of contents

Preparation: Materials needed
Step 1: Decoupage the clock's face
Step 2: Make the clock hands
Step 3: Assemble the clockwork
Step 4: Add the hands

Preparation: Materials needed


  • 20x20 cm 3D (deep) canvas (or any size you might want)
  • Clockwork and hands
    • Tip: buy cheap clock hands, because you're going to cut them up later
    • Note: You might not need to buy hands, it depends on what clockwork you have
  • Decoupage glue/varnish 
    • I used matte glue/varnish because I prefer a less shiny look
  • Decoupage brush
    • Tip: Use a fine, wide brush for the best and fastest application of glue/varnish
  • Regular glue
    • For gluing the printed legs to the clock hands
    • Plastic, extra sturdy
      • This is for making the clock hands
      • Tip: A sturdy plastic folder you can cut up works fine
      • The clock face with numbers and John Cleese's upper body and the legs for the clock hands printed on regular paper
        • I used a laser printer - please note that inkjet printers can cause difficulties when decoupaging (see the FAQ for more info)
        • My source files can be downloaded here
          • If you want the easiest solution: just print the two files with A4 in the filename on regular A4 paper, and they will be perfectly sized for a 20 x 20 cm canvas
          • The font used for the numbers is Janda Safe and Sound


      • Awl
        • This is for making the hole for the clockwork
      • Razor blade and scissors
        • This is for cutting out the legs, and other things that need cutting
        • Wire cutters
          • This is for cutting the clock hands
        • Small brush
          • This is for doing touch-ups
        • Black marker
          • This is for hiding white edges (e.g. on the clock hands)
        • Optional: A spray bottle with water
          • This is for getting a better result when doing decoupage

        Step 1: Decoupage the clock's face

        Start off by creating the clock's face. 

        Print the numbers and John Cleese's upper body on regular paper. I used a laser printer. If you printed using an inkjet printer you might experience some problems with smudging - see the FAQ page for more info.

        Cut the clockwork paper to about the same size as the canvas' front. Make it slightly larger. 

        For this step you're also going to need all the decoupage material from the materials list above:
        • Decoupage glue/varnish
        • Decoupage brush
        • Optional: spray bottle with water
        • Canvas
        Lay out the canvas and the clockwork print on something you can throw away later, in order to protect the table/floor/wherever you choose to work (I work on the floor). As you can see, I put the clockwork print on an old plastic bag because I'm going to get it wet.

        Optional: Spray a good amount of water on the clockwork paper and let it soak it in. This is for reducing the risk for getting bubbles when you later put glue on the paper. However - beware! - this makes the paper much more fragile than when dry, and you risk ripping it when you add it to the canvas. So be careful!

        Paint a generous amount of glue/varnish on the canvas while the clockwork paper is soaking the water. Make sure you get an even spread all over the canvas.

        Carefully (!) place the clockwork paper onto the canvas. Make sure to place it straight, and neatly along the edges. You can take it off and redo it, but this increases the risk of ripping the paper (believe me...).

        When you're satisfied with the placement, use your hands to carefully press out any air bubbles (remember that the paper is fragile so be light to the touch). 

        Paint a generous amount of glue/varnish onto the paper as well. Make sure to spread it evenly. Also press down the corners properly so that they lie flat against the canvas and become as invisible as possible.

        Let the canvas dry (I left it over night to really make sure it dried properly). You can always add another coat of glue/varnish after the first has dried if you find that you missed a spot.

        Step 2: Make the clock hands

        Next, you should make the clock hands. For this you will need the following from the list above:

        • The legs printed on regular paper
        • Sturdy plastic sheet (or a sturdy plastic folder)
        • Decoupage glue/varnish
        • Decoupage brush
        • Optional: Spray bottle with water
        • Razor blade

        Note: For the first clock I made I used a sturdy plastic folder for this, but the legs had a tendency to bend. Therefore, this time I bought sturdy plastic sheets from my local crafts store, in the hope that it would be better (it wasn't). Others have told me that they used plastic folders successfully (though sturdier than the one I used at first), and I did a third try that worked well. However, I can't help but think that some kind of thin metal or a material like that is even better for this. Thus, if you find something better, please let me know! 

        Using a plastic sheet

        Using a sturdy plastic folder

        Cut out the legs in a rough shape. Make sure to leave quite some white space around them (it's just to make life simpler). Cut out a large enough piece of plastic.

        Just as when doing the clock face, spray water onto the legs and let them soak a little.

        Meanwhile, paint glue/varnish onto the plastic. Carefully lift the paper and place on the plastic. Use our fingers to press out any air bubbles.

        Paint glue/varnish on the front of the paper and let dry over night.

        With the thinner plastic, the legs became a little... bent...
        The tougher plastic turned out just fine though! :)
        If your legs look all bent like mine after they dried (sigh), there is a way to fix it. Don't worry!

        Just decoupage a piece of regular paper to the back of the plastic (make sure the front is properly dry first), like you did the legs. Let dry, and the legs will have straightened out reasonably well.

        When the legs have dried properly, use a razor blade or scissors (depending on your plastic material) to cut them out (make sure you have something protecting the surface underneath - I use a flattened cereal box :P). Be very careful and accurate when you cut.

        And there you go! Clock hands in the shape of legs O_o.

        Step 3: Assemble the clockwork

        Now it's time to assemble the clock face and the clockwork. The way to do this might vary depending on what kind of clockwork you have, but I imagine that the process is quite similar at least.

        Anyway, for this step you'll need:

        • Clockwork
        • Clock face
        • Awl

        My clockwork has four parts. You can see the "instructions" for my clockwork in the photo above. 

        First, you need to find the centre of the canvas. Then use the awl to make a hole big enough to fit the clockwork through. My awl is just about the right size. Use your fingers (be careful when pushing the awl, though) or something that isn't fragile to prevent the canvas fabric from being pushed inwards and ruining the clock. 

        My clockwork has a wide rubber ring that goes on first. It's very easy to forget... Then put the clockwork through the hole, and attach the screw on the other side. Make sure to screw it in properly - you may need to widen the hole. There is one screw left for my clockwork, but I'll save that for the next step.

        Finally, I'm going to use the extra print of John Cleese's upper body to cover the golden glimmer of the screw. I'll cut a circle the same size as the screw, make a hole in the middle of it, and simply glue it to the screw. 

        There - done with this step :). Just one more step to go!

        Step 4: Add the hands

        Now the clock is almost finished! For this final step you'll need the following:

        • Clock face with attached clockwork (+ the remaining screw for the clockwork)
        • Clock hands
        • Cut out legs for new hands
        • Glue
        • Awl
        • Pencil
        • Razor blade
        • Wire cutters
        You may not need to buy clock hands at all for this, but I use them since the holes are not circular and for making the clock hands move correctly I don't dare do without them. Also, the hour hand has a bit of a distance so the hands don't come too close to each other. However, I'm going to cut up the hands, so I just bought really cheap ones. 

        Lay out the hands on top of the legs. Make sure they are facing the correct direction - you'll want the holes to be in the right direction as well since the legs have to point to the right numbers. 

        Use a pencil to draw where the hole is. Use the awl and the razor blade (or whatever tools works for you) to make the holes in the legs. Have some kind of protective material underneath the legs while you work (I used the folded cereal box again). Try to put the legs onto the clockwork to make sure the holes are big enough - they might require a little tweaking.

         Now that you have the holes in the legs you can cut off the clock hands so they don't show where the legs bend. Then glue the hands to the legs. 

        Once the glue is properly dry, add the clock hands to the clockwork, and put on the last screw. On my clock it's possible to see some white on the sides of the clock hands from the paper. I used a black marker to paint over this so it wouldn't show. It doesn't have to be perfect, but enough so you don't see the white shine from a distance (I could have done this before putting the hands on the clock, but I've found that my marker doesn't dry properly, so my fingers would get all black when handling the legs - that's why I saved it for last). 

        If necessary, you can glue a small, circular piece of the print out of John Cleese's upper body to hide the top screw.

        Aaaaaaaand - done! I hope you're happy with the result :). I would love to see what you've done, so please send me a photo. If it's all right with you, I'll add it to the page with other people's clocks!


        1. This is amazing!
          I will prepare two of them as Xmas gifts for some friends, sure they will love it!

        2. This is fantastic, silly walk around the clock! Probably my favourite sketch from Monty Python! When I have time, I will do this clock definitely! (and post a pic for you too!) Thank you so much for sharing this great tutorial!

        3. I'm glad you like it! :) I'm looking forward to seeing your results!

        4. hi
          this clock is incredible! the first time i saw it i knew it was not only a but THE present for my boyfriend...
          so i printed your face-a4-sheet and it turned out to be not as sharp as it appeared to be on your clock..
          may you tell me how you made it look as stunning as it does?
          thank you sooo much!

          1. Hi!
            My image is not perfect, I'm afraid, but it's pretty good at least :). Make sure you print it in 100% (or use an image processing software, but not the printer itself, to reduce the size if necessary). Select, if possible, in your printer properties, not to add margins (or ignore margins - this option can be called different things depending on your printer, I can't remember exactly what it's called on the one I used right now). Choose as high a dpi (dots per inch) as possible - the printer I used can do up to 600 dpi. But as high a number as possible is of course good.

            I hope this helps!


        5. This is all kinds of awesome! Have bought all the necessary materials and will start assembling later today. Thank you for sharing your idea and the print file.


        6. My daughter has requested I make this for her ..question does it keep the correct time ..cant get my head around setting it up ..ie do I have to get a certain clock mechanism size if I want to make a larger clock

          1. Hi! The questions whether or not it keeps time depends largely on the clockwork you buy, and I assume also on what material you use for the hands (so it's not too heavy). My clock keeps time really well though (better than many other clocks/watches I have).

            As for the size of the clockwork - no, you don't have to get a larger clockwork in order to make a larger clock. As long as the hands are not too heavy for the clockwork to move them, I can't see why it should be a problem. The size of the clockwork does not decide the size of the clock, since you can't see it, but it does have to have the strength to move the hands.

            Good luck with making the clock!

          2. I am very interested in purchasing this Awesome wall click instead of trying to create one. Are they in the market for buying and for how much? Please return an email back to via Wilburlipps@aol.com with reply. Thank you! Sharon Kemp

          3. I'm afraid the clock is not for sale (for more info, see the FAQ section). But it's not too difficult to make, so I recommend giving it a try :).

        7. Wow this is pretty creative. I was looking for some unique wall clocks for sale its a shame that this one isnt! Looks like i might have to venture to try and make one. Thanks for posting this!

        8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

        9. fantastic! I'll make one when I have some free time. Thank you :)

        10. I saw this on Google Images, and thought that they looked pretty easy to make. I'm making one tomorrow for a friend who is OBSESSED with Monty Python. Have you considered using a plastic takeaway container or something similar for the legs as an alternative to the plastic folder? Just a thought...

          1. Good luck! I'm sure it'll turn out great :). A takeaway container might work, if the plastic isn't too thick - the legs still have to fit the clockwork. But it's surely worth experimenting with!

        11. I love the design of this clock! However, sometimes it can be easier to just purchase them! I've just bougth a lovely clock for my dining room from Tick Tock Clocks, who have a wide range of clocks on sale. Here is the link for people who about as creative as me:


        12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

        13. My fathers birthday is comming up and he LOVES Monty Python. I always find it hard to come up with a good gift, so this is really going to help me out.

        14. I'm looking to make this for my brother, but not sure where to buy the clock hands and clock work. Or could I buy a clock and put the design on it? Thank you

        15. Wow, I nearly bought one a clock similar to this but it looks so much more fun to make! :D Thank You for taking the time to do this!!

        16. I just had to make one of these for my husband. He is such a big Monty Python fan. For the legs I printed them out on copier paper. I enlarged them until the straighter leg measured 8-1/4". Then I printed it out, cut it out and stuck it to a piece of Shrinky Dink plastic. I cut that out, removed the paper and baked it at 325 F. I had folded it between a piece of copier paper because my first one curled onto itself and never released. Inside the folded paper it could only shrink. I did color it with a black Sharpie but ended up painting it black because the marker didn't look very nice. I put gloss finish on it and it worked out much better than my first pair of legs (they kept getting stuck on the top of his head! I need to redo the numbers, they are not as nicely spaced as I would like them to be. I couldn't use the printout because the clock I was putting it on was already cut out round and my printer wouldn't print wider. Hope this helps those who are having problems with the legs. Shrinky Dinks is the way to go!

          1. This is very interesting! I've thought about using Shrinky Dinks, but always thought they would be too thick. Great to hear that it worked out!

        17. I was finding out same things on different place. Finally get it from your blog site. So thanks for your post & hope to visit again for more valuable contents. white noise app

        18. Wow!! Home made wall clock, it looks unique and creative idea because usually we get wall clocks from watchshop, but it seems to be really different. I must try this.

        19. Great idea! I gonna steal this:-) Have a look http://decorvilla.ca/category/wall-clocks/
          For more information contact at kapil.jn@hotmail.com

        20. My sister is a pretty normal woman, other than she is a clock fanatic. She's that weird lady that has a clock on every wall which makes you ask yourself how she can possibly stand all the ticking all day long. We grew up watching "Monty Python and The Holy Grail," so I'm sure she would die if I made this for her. It's combining two things that she loves. Any ideas where i can get clock hands, or does the plastic work fine?


          1. Hi!
            The plastic should work fine - just make sure it’s a sturdy plastic. If it bends, you can decoupage the back with some paper as well, and it will even out. I’ve also made some successfully by using dry glue (you know, the roll-on kind of glue specially made for glueing paper), instead of decoupage. If you’re having trouble, you can try that as well.

            Good luck!


        21. Thanks! I'm considering making one... my friends and I are already making clocks here: http://inventorartist.com/lmc/

          It started off as a contest but nobody was that serious so for the time being it's just a page of clock projects. :)

        22. Just buy one:


        23. This comment has been removed by the author.

        24. I have a suggestion for an alternative material for the hands/legs. I tried using plastic from a folder, but it just doesn't seem like a good solution for me. They do, indeed, bend. I'm experimenting with a sheet of aluminium cut out of a beer or soda can. It is light & malleable, it's easy to cut with a pair of scissors or Exacto knife, and it is easy to obtain. I cut the top and bottom off, and flattened it out as much as possible by drawing it across the edge of a kitchen counter a few times. I may need to try a different adhesive if decoupaging doesn't stick well, but we'll see. The material still may be too flimsy. Beer can aluminium is slightly thicker than heavy duty foil. If this is the case, I'll try gluing two sheets together to stiffen it up. I'll keep you posted on the outcome.

          1. The aluminium solution works like a charm! They can be flattened out if they are bent, and cutting them with a pair of sharp scissors, works too. However, using decoupage glue to stick paper to aluminium, and even plastic for that matter, is sketchy. I'm going to get the legs printed on label paper and just stick them on the aluminium like a decal.

        25. I want to find exact this type of clocks related articles. So, very beautiful blog and i want to refer more beautiful Wall Clocks and you can visit more Modern Wall Clocks

        26. very useful post, easy to learn and make hand made wall clocks, more Wall Clocks Online

        27. Good job .. i want to see more

        28. Thank you for the tutorial. does one need special glue to stick the hands to the plastic or will any decoupage glue work?

          1. Just wanted to add that I laid the clock face print face-down on some clingfilm for spraying and applying glue and then used the clingfilm to lift it up and position and re-position it on the canvas. Since the damp paper is fragile this made it much easier to manipulate without tearing it.

        29. Thanks for the tutorial, I have made a simplified version with a ready made clock from Ikea, and the figure printed on thicker paper, no plastic sheet needed. Got a lovely result!

        30. Thanks for the tutorial, I have made a simplified version with a ready made clock from Ikea, and the figure printed on thicker paper, no plastic sheet needed. Got a lovely result!

        31. This is a really amazing tutorial and even better looking clock. Thanks for sharing this with us.

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        32. Super cute. My husband loves Monty Python so hopefully I can make this for his birthday next month. Random question though...how do you decorate with these unique wall clocks? Not just this one but my husband and I bought a "modern cuckoo clock" (first one in this list: http://www.bavarianclockworks.com/blog/modern-romba-cuckoo-clock/) but have no idea how to put it up so it isn't the only attraction in the room.

          1. Hi Melissa!
            I'm no decoration expert, but I have my clock on a shelf in my bookcase. It disappears a little among the books, but its still highly visible. I think it's placed well there :). Good luck with the clock!

        33. Really a innovative idea thanks for sharing this great idea with us. ny one interested to buy unique wall or kitchen clocks ma follow: Round Glass Wall Clock or cheap clock in china

        34. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

        35. Having read the tutorial I'm going to have a go at making one. Do you think laminating the legs with a heavy laminate would work?

          1. Hi!
            It sounds like laminating should work! I haven't tried though, so I can't promise anything. But I don't see why not - it might turn out really great :D. Good luck!

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        37. This comment has been removed by the author.

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        45. I've just printed the template and will try to do it at home this weekend! I'll tell you how it goes!

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        69. I have started to make my own clock today, and am experimenting with using old gift cards (like a bank card). I cut out the hands on cardboard, stuck them to the bank card with glue stick, carefully cut out the hands from the gift card, then peel of the original card.
          I have used a leather belt punch as I think somebody else mentioned to punch the holes and have fitted them on the clock.
          I am customising a cheap clock that I bought, but sadly I will need to print bigger than A4, as the dial on the clock is a little bigger. The face will have to wait for another day.
          I have enjoyed the project so far.

        70. I finished my Ministry of Silly Walks clock just minutes before I found your blog. I would like to point out one thing. I really wanted the bent leg to be the second hand so that you could see it moving. I have tried about six clock movements of different brands, but it has not worked with any of them. The problem is the weight (actually the mass) of the printed leg. The hand, or rather the leg, gets to about the 37 second position, but usually won't go past that. Sometimes it will keep going to about 48 seconds, then it actually reverses and goes back to 37.Then it repeats. If I lay the clock on it's back it works fine, which proves that gravity is the problem. The exact same thing happens with all of the movements that I have tried. I even tried applying a thick layer of epoxy to the back of the hand to counterbalance the long end of the hand, but that wasn't enough. I finally gave up tonight, and am just using the hour and minute hands. By the way, I am using one of many used clocks that I have purchased at thrift stores for just a few dollars, so all I have to deal with is the printed legs, and not the clock face. I used photo paper and an inkjet printer.

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